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Hellobaddy DEVICE

Here is Hellobaddy Device, the new audio guide that will make you discover the monuments, history, curiosities and much more of this city.

It is very simple to use, everything has been designed to be simple and intuitive. But let's start from the beginning ...


Hellobaddy Device
Hellobaddy Device
The most important element is the Position button, the big one on the left: it is this, in fact, that, as you walk around the city, will alert you when there is something interesting. In fact, you will see it light up and you will hear a buzzer sound. Speaking of the latter, if for any reason you want to exclude it, just turn off the switch located near the headphone jack.
If the place might interest you, then press it and you will be told where you are - with the corresponding number and sector on the map - and, with two words, what is beautiful or interesting, as well as where to place yourself if you want to hear the description. .
At this point, if you are interested in this, press the Play button located in the center of the device and start listening. But if you don't care about a topic, or you don't have time to hear it, just press the Skip forward button - the one to the right of the Play just to understand - and you will move on to the next topic. Same way with the Skip back button, the one on the left, which allows you to listen to the last part.

A small, useful, warning: the Play button, once the description has been started, also serves as a pause button that will be very useful for moving around, answering the phone or in many other cases, in order to then resume the description exactly from the point in you arrived at.
Hellobaddy Device
Hellobaddy Device
Every now and then, but do not worry, there may be warnings that tell us some insights for those who want to know more: in this case, press the Deepening button under the Play to listen. Here, too, the discourse of the Skip back and forth applies.
Once the deepening is finished, the main narration will resume automatically.

To exit the insights, press the Play button and to exit the description, press Position.
Another important key is the one in the top center defined Mode: you need to choose between normal listening integrated with the GPS, i.e. the various descriptions indicated by the Position key, the history of the city - this in turn divided into history, short history of art and a brief history of Venetian architecture. To activate the various topics, just press the button several times and look at where the LED lights up.
Hellobaddy Device
Contact us to install HELLOBADDY at your facility (Hotel, Pension, B&B, etc.), an added value to offer to your customers.
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